Το υποβρύχιο ΠΑΠΑΝΙΚΟΛΗΣ παρέλαβε ο Α/ΓΕΝ και ύψωσε την Ελληνική Σημαία
Δημοσιευμένο από EKĖO στην κατηγορία ΕΘΝΙΚΑ ΘΕΜΑΤΑ, ΕΝΟΠΛΕΣ ΔΥΝΑΜΕΙΣ, ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΙ ΕΞΟΠΛΙΣΜΟΙ, ΣΥΜΒΑΤΙΚΑ ΟΠΛΑ, Ετικέτες: ΓΕΝ, Δημήτριος Ελευσινιώτης, Πολεμικό ΝαυτικόΕπιτέλους την τρίτη 2 Νοεμβρίου 2010 πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Κίελο της Γερμανίας, η τελετή ύψωσης σημαίας και παραλαβής από το Πολεμικό Ναυτικό του Υ/Β ΠΑΠΑΝΙΚΟΛΗΣ, παρουσία του Αρχηγού ΓΕΝ Αντιναύαρχου Δημήτριου Ελευσινιώτη ΠΝ. Στην τελετή επίσης παρέστησαν ο Πρέσβης της Ελλάδας στην Ομοσπονδιακή Δημοκρατία της Γερμανίας κ. Δημήτριος Ράλλης, η Πρόξενος της Ελλάδας στο Αμβούργο κ. Αικατερίνη Δημάκη και ο Πρόεδρος της HDW κ. Andreas Burmester.
Your Excellency, Mrs consul, Bishop, Mr chairman, dear distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, I am sorry if I forgot to mention someone else,
It is my great pleasure to be addressing you here today at the commissioning ceremony and the hoisting of the Hellenic flag of Submarine HS Papanikolis, which is the first of the six type 214 submarines, while the rest are being constructed at the Hellenic Shipyards Skaramaga.
Today is a landmark in our effort to upgrade and renew our fleet, a constant and time consuming endeavor which, on days like today, is full of joy and satisfaction not only for the Hellenic navy’s personnel but also for the Greek people who watch their financial sacrifices being fully utilized, especially during such a difficult period of my country.
With the arrival of this submarine, a circle of events reaches its end, which during the last years, were characterized by difficult and tough negotiations, leading eventually to the utmost outcome for both parties. As a result, the Hellenic Navy by reinforcing and completing its armaments program, upgrading its operational capabilities, is even more in the position to execute any mission effectively and successfully fulfill all requirements and challenges on a professional basis.
The six submarines will be equipped not only with exceptional operational potentials but also with the well trained professional crew who have already great experience in submarines. All these submarines, then, will be ready to take over any kind of mission, not only within the Hellenic sea boundaries, but also throughout the Mediterranean sea or in any open sea around the world, if required.
All parties which have been involved in this program should feel proud and content for the excellent results they have achieved. Therefore concluding my brief speech, I would like to express my warmest gratitude to all those that have contributed to the successful completion of the construction and sea trials of the submarine Papanikolis.
I would also like to point out the help of our allies and friends in German Navy for providing their facilities as well as their excellent collaboration.
The Commanding Officer and her crew which will be soon fully manning the submarine, I urge they take advantage of their potential and execute their duties, continuing the Hellenic Navy tradition in which the Greek people trust. I wish they have fare well seas and St Nickolas protects them in every activity.
Vice Admiral Dimitrios Elefsiniotis HN
Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff