Support the Hellenic Arms Control Center
The Hellenic Arms Control Center is seeking sponsors and donations for its advanced Military News Website in Greece. You can participate in the only non-profit military web channel in Greece, thus promoting your industry/company in Greece in a very useful and creative way. With your sponsorship and donations we can inform and educate the Legislators, the Policymakers, the Greek Armed Forces, the Police Forces and all Greek Citizens, timely, reliably, accurately and honestly. Military and International Security News is simply too important to be left exclusively in the hands of commercial News Media in Greece.
ATHENA, the Hellenic Arms Control Center, is a non-profit, scientific organization dedicated to promoting public understanding of and support for effective arms control policies. It is the only non-profit scientific research institute in Greece which conducts basic research in the field of military science focusing in particular on the technical aspects of homeland and international security. One of its main objectives is to strengthen the defenses and security of Greece avoiding irresponsible defense spending and unnecessary arms purchases. The Hellenic Arms Control Center has emerged as an academic think-tank on all aspects of Greek defense and security issues. Our staff provides commentary and analysis on a broad spectrum of issues for Greek journalists and scholars.
You can find a brief analysis of our profile in English here, although our website, broadcasts and analysis are mainly in Greek.
Our Research Center is an independent, nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization with an impact beyond our modest size and budget. Our staff consists of fine scientists and journalists including members of the teaching staff of the Hellenic Military Academy. We differ from other commercial military news agencies in Greece since we conduct military research and inform the public without making any profit.
The Hellenic Arms Control Center is purely academic and scientific in nature but at the same time it provides timely and daily news about homeland and international security, defense issues and weapons science from around the world. Our Greek website is designed using the most advanced Search Engine Optimization methods so that each subject and topic we handle ranks high in the Google Search Engine. For example, we covered with our commentary and analysis the Defensys-2010 event which was the first international defence exhibition to be held in Thessaloniki Greece. You can verify the ranking power of our website by googling the term “Defensys” in the Google Search Engine. Our coverage of the event ranks among the first in Google. As soon as our website posts an article about your industry/company that post will rank first in the Google Search Engine, as we can easily prove.
According to the Google Analytics and Youtube statistics we have (November 2011) approximately 100,000 visitors per month (website plus youtube channel). Our visitors either visit our website directly or are referred to it by search engines while searching for military news and facts about the Greek Armed Forces and international security aspects, in general. As you can easily verify most of our visitors are member of the Hellenic Armed Forces (active or retired), concerned citizens of Greece etc.
We can easily reach hundreds of thousands of visitors per month with the right support and sponsorship. Powered by the quality of our services, we will strive to gain the confidence of the Hellenic Armed Forces, the legislators and the Greek public, thus establishing an authoritative and reliable source of military news and analysis in Greece.
However our staff (researchers, journalists etc.) depend on scholarships, fellowships and sponsorships. The first two sources of our energy, have been considerably depleted after the recent financial difficulties of our Country. Therefore, we now seek sponsors who could help the Hellenic Arms Control Center deploy its full potential and share in its success and future. Your sponsorship could make a difference in the Greek Defence News. Donations from industries, companies and individuals like you are essential to our continued operations.
An acknowledgment of your sponsorship will appear in all our pages (using clickable banners, images texts, etc) but we will not commercially advertise your industry/company or your products. However, the Center’s website may focus on the military and international security aspects of your industry/company and even consider conducting research in the fields that you, as our sponsor, deem important for international security. There will be timely coverage (video, audio, interviews etc) of all the scientific and technological activities of your industry/company using the most advanced internet aspects. It is obvious today that the best advertisement is sponsoring academic and non-profit activities which will be associated with your industry/company and brand name in a very positive way. Crude commercial advertising of defense industries and companies, apart from being a primitive way of promoting your products, is not allowed by the academic nature of our research center. Commercial advertising is simply banned from our activities (and our website) while non-commercial sponsorships and donations are our only funding sources.
On the other hand you may wish to award a fellowship or scholarship to one of our researchers who will focus on the topic that you will suggest. The fellowship will bear your brand name while the fellow will proudly acknowledge your support in all his/her posts, articles and publications. Of course, our entire website will echo your kindness and support in various ways.
The industries and companies and individuals that will sponsor our web channel and research will not regret it as there will be at least 100,000 monthly viewers of your brand name (a number expected to increase rapidly). With your sponsorship you can participate in the creation of the largest and most reliable non-profit military web channel in Greece. Daily Audio and Video broadcasts by the most talented military and international security scientists in Greece will satisfy a national need for high quality information on military science, arms trade, arms control and international security. Military and International Security News is simply too important to be left exclusively in the hands of commercial News Media.
On behalf of our staff, I am calling upon you to share the above dreams with us and participate in the creation of the largest and most reliable military news web channel in Greece. Please, don’t hesitate to contact me for further information and details.
With our best regards
The Director of the Hellenic Arms Control Center
Dr. Theodore Liolios
Associate Professor of Nuclear Physics & Military Applications
(Hellenic Army Academy, Department of Physical Sciences & Applications)